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Save Your Teeth with Comfortable Root Canal Therapy

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Why Some Teeth Need Root Canal Treatment

Teeth with decay or cracks that reach the center, or pulp, of the tooth often require root canal treatment to be saved. When damage to this tooth structure occurs, bacteria invade the pulp, causing infection within the tooth that often travels to the underlying bone. A root canal is a type of endodontic treatment that allows Dr. Rajiv Motwani to remove internal damage and infection, restoring and strengthening the tooth. A root canal can often save your smile from extraction and further oral health concerns. Historically, root canals have been perceived as uncomfortable and lengthy procedures. With our advanced technique and compassionate approach, however, undergoing root canal therapy is a comfortable, convenient, positive experience!

Symptoms of Infected Teeth

Any sign or symptom of an infected tooth should be evaluated promptly. Please contact our friendly team immediately if you experience one or more of the following:

  • Tooth pain
  • Gum or facial swelling
  • Dull, persistent toothache
  • Pain when biting
  • Pimple-like area on gum tissue
  • Sensitivity

The Root Canal Process

root canal model
Root Canals Process

Dr. Motwani is highly experienced in providing comfortable root canal treatment, from the convenience of our state-of-the-art facility. We ensure your comfort throughout the procedure by using The Wand® computer-assisted anesthesia, and sedation dentistry services if added relaxation is needed. To perform a root canal, Dr. Motwani thoroughly cleanses bacteria and necrotic tissue from within the tooth. He fills the internal portions of the roots and tooth with a special material, which strengthens the tooth structure. Once the tooth is healed, a custom dental crown is placed to cover and protect the tooth, restoring full function and appearance.

Convenient and Comfortable Root Canal Procedures

Timely treatment with a root canal can save your tooth. Leaving an infected tooth untreated only invites further oral and general health concerns. As a leading general dentist and active member of the American Dental Association, Dr. Motwani stays up-to-date on the latest in comprehensive care for your family. He and our team are proud to offer effective, high-quality root canal care to get you out of pain and back to enjoying your smile!

Tooth pain should never be ignored. Call now for more on our gentle root canal treatment!

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